I am a Chartered Physiotherapist treating Horses, Riders, Dogs and Cats in Mid Wales and Herefordshire.
I work alongside Vets, Farriers, and Riding Instructors to provide the best care for your animal. I am a Category A Member of ACPAT (Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Animal Therapy) and am a registered member of RAMP (Register of Animal Musculoskeletal Practitioners).
Small Animal Physiotherapy
Equine Physiotherapy
For Veterinary Surgeons
What is Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy is an evidence-based health profession that helps restore movement and function to as near normal as possible following injury, illness or by developmental or other disability.
How do I know if my animal needs Physiotherapy?
Animals are unable to tell us where they are in pain and are often clever at hiding their discomfort. Schooling problems, behavioural problems or reduced performance can all be caused by pain, muscle weakness or joint stiffness.